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Let your senses take you home

Anytime you feel overwhelmed, or simply want to slow down and collect yourself, just pick up this soft cork toolkit. One object, one sense at a time, take a mindful pause and connect to yourself in the most natural way. Notice which object anchors or calms you, which object refreshes or makes you curious, and which object balances and settles your nervous system. Focusing on your senses simplifies so much, making you feel alive and in touch with your body-mind.

With your purchase, receive access to the membership area for audio and written guides, available in English, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish and Russian

Ricki Bernstein MSW, MA, MPhil Psychotherapist & Somatic Intervention Trainer

About Ricki

Whether I am teaching, treating or just being present with someone, my goal has always been the same: to give people themselves.
That goal has taken on a very concrete meaning with the creation of this toolkit. Nothing brings more connection to your core self than your senses and how your body experiences them.

Decades of international experience as a psychotherapist led to this request from psychologists who work with trauma:
Can you design something we can use immediately after a difficult event?
For people who are either very agitated or frozen in shock?
sense your self is my response to that request.

And yet, you don’t have to be in an extreme situation to benefit from this kit.
The daily stressors of life offer many moments for you to experiment with these tools. Just S L O W down, explore your sensory reactions to the objects, and notice your body come back to itself. The result will be a calmer body and a clearer mind.

For those interested to learn more about me, I also run, training hundreds of “talk therapists” in somatic psychotherapy.

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